Para-Tan Meditative Lovemaking

Para-Tan Meditative Lovemaking

via Para-Tan Meditative Lovemaking.

Para-Tan Meditative Lovemaking is for everyone on a spiritual path, a life with potentially most powerful lovemaking experience with your lover.

Meditation is an important practice in spirituality and healing practice throughout the world today. Para-Tan offers the world a new meditation practice, a three in one Meditation practice which involves sound, worship and lovemaking, as never offered before.

About tantraifc

The Man behind IFC Temple of Divine Love, and founder of the first Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu, South India, Father of Para-Tan and Master of the Living Goddess Tradition. Shri Param Eswaran, a Tamil from Malaysia has shared his teachings with thousands of people over the past 37 years. In our various transformational retreats we provide a loving, open space for you to explore your own deepest being, discover your passions and inner truths, heal the wounds that stop YOU from living fully and to integrate these discoveries into YOUR life.
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